Exploring of a gold mine in space | NASA Operation

Nasa is an easy way to get rich Mars and Jupiter, between these two planets is an asteroid ball. Which is filled with precious metals like filling gold, iron and nickel? Which costs about 700 'quintal' US dollars that is, after twenty-three, zero is zero.

According to the calculation, it is so much that seven billion people in the world can earn 100 billion US dollars of hard earned money. Everyone can become millionaires. Deepwater Industries (DSI) is in charge of this excavation operation. The company's work is to search the asteroid ball filled with such minerals in space and then excavate it later.

nasa gold mine

 DSI is located in NASA Bissenze Park in California. Worked on the basis of the agreement, with hands tied to Nasa. Previously NASA 'Don', Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Hawabbasa and European Space Agency (ESA) russetta mineral-rich asteroid raided several asteroids.

But all these operations were expended from the government fund. Due to the use of technology and strategy, a little different DSI. Time spent on their asteroid campaign, meaning both live. 'Astro-end mining', the excavation campaign in asteroid belt is much more cost-effective than before, for the benefit of the DSI.

Currently the best 'location' sorting work. Once the space is final, special robotic spacecraft will start the work of collecting resources. According to John Jarneki, president of the Royal Astronomical Society, "First, this asteroid belt excavation is a science fiction, but today it is true, the campaign will begin within the coming decade." Now people will search for mineral exploration in the space of the world. The aura of the nation is the asteroid.

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