How To Delete | clear Google Search List

We always search Google for the information we need to know all over the world. Ezrara uses Google to find out where the information is best found. Indeed, looking at a user's search list, he can understand how he likes people, what he likes.

In general, by the formula of that search list, sometimes the personality of the customer is also understood. That's why many do not want to show their search listings to others, or to keep them secret. There is a simpler solution for those who are interested in doing such work. Anyone who wants to delete their search list easily. It will not have any chance to see others on your search list.

how to delete or clear search history
Delete/clear search History

Let us see the steps to delete the search list-

1. Firstly enter Google My Activity. For this, you will need to login to My (

2. At this stage, the delete activity by option will be selected

3. Here you will find an instruction that you want to delete the search list. If you want, you can delete the last 7 days, 30 days, or all these days or search listings

4. After the product option, select search and image search options

5. Now press delete option.

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