Poor or Rich | Facebook tells you soon

You're not 'poor' or 'big guy', it will tell you very soon Facebook. Face book has recently applied for a patent It has been claimed that this technology can be used to identify the user's socioeconomic status.

Facebook has basically divided into 3 categories. Such as the working class, middle class and upper class basically the user's personal information, educational qualification, ownership of the property and the level of usage of the Internet, etc. will be determined by analyzing its position.

facebook poor rich
According to the DailyMeel report, the new technology will allow users to deliver ads to more specific users

Facebook will ask for some information about the socioeconomic status of users. For example, 20-30 people will be asked how many devices they use the internet. 30-40 year olds will be asked if they have a house in their name.

But is it really that Facebook will use this technology to deliver advertisements to users, or do they have other plans on their head?

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