The blade's middle design unchanged | Know Reason

We are surprised to see how much. Again, we do not see any of the amazing things we see. One wonderful thing is the blade design. Regardless of the company's blades, notice that the design in the middle of the blade is similar to everyone! Why is the same design used by all those made of blades, which is really surprising.
According to a report published in an All India Media report, the origin of the blade is related to the origins of this story.

blage unchanged
It is a long time ago that more than a century ago. The twentieth century has just begun. In 1901, Gillette founded the company's King Camp Blade's design. After the blade was made in 1904. Meanwhile, he got the pattern patent. Surprisingly, there is no difference between the original design and the design used today.

At that time, natbaltu was used when connecting the blades with razors. That's why the design was made in the blades. According to the design, the blade was stuck in the razor with the help of the ball.

From that the design was coming. The question might arise, why did the other companies start making the blades, why did they begin to imitate the design of the Gillette?

In fact at that time the razors were built only in the Gillette. As a result, it was necessary to create those designs for the design of blades with the razor.

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